Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In years past, many a Christmas ornament in our home was destroyed due to TTWI(tree-trimming while intoxicated) or STTOS(sudden tree-tipping over syndrome). Nowadays the ornaments are being massacred at the hands of my helpful little evil elves. The body count so far this season is 12 ornaments broken, only three of which were salvageable.

Thanks to E6000 Craft Adhesive, this pretty pony didn't have to be euthanized:

This poor innocent snowman jingle bell was the victim of a frightening display of rage by a 3-year-old evil elf. E6000 saved the day again!

Donald bravely smiles past the pain in his shattered foot:

In summary, the totals so far:
Day 1:
Evil Elf: 4 glass globe ornaments, 1 snowman jingle bell, 1 carousel horse
Slightly Less Evil Elf: 2 glass globe ornaments
Me: 1 glass globe ornament (not while intoxicated for a change)

Day 2:
Evil Elf: 1 Donald Duck
Slightly Less Evil Elf: 1 glass icicle
Me: 1 glass globe ornament (still not intoxicated; maybe that's the problem)

Evil Elf is in the lead!

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