Thursday, April 05, 2007

All Buzz and No Sting

I Googled some info about bees in order to understand our resident bee's ridiculous behavior. I found out that the bee in our yard is probably a male carpenter bee. Carpenter bees don't live in colonies. They mate in pairs and live in little tunnels chewed out of wood. The males just buzz around uselessly most of the time and have a short lifespan(that sounds about right). The females are busy doing most of the nest excavation and pollen-collecting(that also sounds about right). The females have stingers but are too busy to fly around menacing people. The males don't have stingers. This means I can chide our bee for being a useless lazy wuss with no stinger. Still, I don't want that stupid-ass thing to fly into my hair, like those idiot Junebugs do. Don't get me started on the Junebugs.

I hope my bee-identification is correct, or else I might end up stung.

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