It looks like this is going to be another bad bee year. This bumblebee spent the whole damn day hovering menacingly in our yard. Stop being a pest and go pollinate some flowers, you stupid bee!

I am going to report your stinger to the queen bee if you don't shove off!

I mean it this time! I'm getting the can of Raid, ya little twerp.
Perhaps the high concentration of EMF Radiation (as evidenced power-lines in the 3rd picture) in your back yard has impacted the bee's nueropathways and left it hovering aimlessly as it desperately tries to find its hive and reconnect with its collective.
Or maybe it sipped some bad nectar, like Crodo.
I need Crodo in a Can to spray on this deranged bee.
Actually I Googled some info about bees, and this type of bee could actually be a male carpenter bee. I'm gonna make a blog entry in a minute about carpenter bees(because I have nothing better to do LOL).
Isn't that an impressive array of overhead lines? Gotta love city living!
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