Friday, March 30, 2007

I'll Never Grow Up

I need something better to do with my time. For the past few days I've been obsessed with making a Wacky Packages collage for my kitchen.

Mind you, I didn't just stick real genuine Wacky Packages on the canvas. That would be too easy, and it would ruin my beloved Wacky Packages. Instead I scanned the Wacky Packs and saved the images on my PC, printed out copies on glossy photo paper, and carefully cut and pasted them onto the canvas. I just had to emphasize the degree of insanity involved in this project.

Wacky Packages I used: Pillsburied Deadsticks, Jujitsubees, I Can't Believe It's Not Better, Goosey Juice, Easy Cough Oven Cleaner, Cannibal's Shrunken Noodle Soup, Yeti Wip, JIP Peanut Butter, Coca-Cobra, Goon's Farm Wine, Scavenging Bubbles, Philosophical Dream Cheese, BAM Nonstick Spray, Pepto-Dismal, Bloodweiser Beer, Plastic Pickles, Kentucky Fried Fingers, Witch Bone Wench Dressing, Ranters Peanuts, Air Witch Air Freshener, Stickers Candy Bar, Stumblebee Tuna, Frighty Dog Dog Food, Downer Tragic Softener, Gutterball Turkey, Fancy Feet Gory Cat Food, Mutt-Bone Dog Biscuits.


Anonymous said...

Where's the Crodo? Oh wait, that's a real product.

paula said...

Mmmm, Crodo! Oh how I miss it. *gag*