Later in front of the Chinese Theater I saw Anorexic Minnie and Botox Mickey chatting up a Funkadelic Sista who was waiting for the Mothership:

Then I got a rental car and picked up my crazy aunt to go to Nelson Aspen's "Wake Up With Nelson!" cabaret show. We had a fabulous time. His show was a hoot! Nelson is such a sweetie pie and has a fabulous singing voice. I asked my crazy aunt to take a picture of Nelson and me... here's attempt #1:

The second attempt was slightly more successful. Nelson is doing his best AbFab pout, and I'm looking like a dead bloated corpse. Oh well, what can I say? I live in Missouri, not California! And the picture was taken at a "bad" angle(that's what I keep telling myself):

Nelson never takes a bad picture. I am good at looking DEAD. I can be myself for Halloween this year:

Now THIS is a fantastic picture of my Aunt Donna and Nelson because I am the one that took it!

After the show, my aunt provided NO HELP WHATSOEVER when I needed driving directions. I made some right turns and needed to get back on La Cienega but somehow we couldn't find it. All she could say was "Oh I used to work in that AT&T building blahblahblah and over there is the blahblahblah building" Then when we did get to La Cienega she says right at the last second "THERE'S LA CIENEGA! WHY DIDN'T YOU TURN THERE?" Uh, auntie, you're the one that used to work around here, help me out! FocusFocusFocus! I laugh about it now...
1 comment:
Next time, visit San Francisco. The food is better and we don't have so many cars. Just lots and lots of hills.
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